Thursday, October 06, 2005

USA report - 3

Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) is a nice place...

We ate our lunches at the "Top of the Bay"...

By the way, Americans are obsessed with security these days...

There was an ordnance museum inside APG...

...with a giant bomb at the front...

...and lots of tanks on display outdoors... howitzers...

They had interesting stuff inside too. The antitank rifles were impressive. They look like ordinary rifles, only much bigger...

There was even an ENIAC computer!


Nart Bedin Atalay said...

Sanırsam ki bu ENIAC bir perceptron, yani bir neural network.

Rahmi Lale said...

Ahanda süper oldu,
Ordu malzemleri ile karşılaşınca gözleri alev alev yanan bir roket saintisti...
Hayır başka bir gezegen olsa oraya gideceğiz ama siz nasıl olsa bu hızla denizaltından ateşlenen dünaylar ötesi bir roket de dizain edersiniz...