Monday, October 10, 2005

What I want to be

While cruising through reddit, I found this article about Feynmann. Feynmann comes pretty close to be the person I would like to be...

"Actually, I doubt that it was "progress" that most interested Richard. He was always searching for patterns, for connections, for a new way of looking at something, but I suspect his motivation was not so much to understand the world as it was to find new ideas to explain. The act of discovery was not complete for him until he had taught it to someone else."

Irrelevant fun site: The best page in the universe (which is Banned in Saudi Arabia)
"I exaggerate everything, except for my manliness which is enviable"

1 comment:

Rahmi Lale said...

bugüne kadar okuduğum en samimi ve yalın biyografik deneme idi. Sonlarına doğru tüylerim diken diken oldu desem daha iyi ifade etmiş olurum.
Yazı içerisinde "... Because even when Richard didn't understand, he always seemed to understand better than the rest of us..." kısmına hasta oldum.
Genelde biyografilerde yazar konu olan kişiyi neredeyse yere göğe sığdıramaz oluyor ama burada inanlımaz bir samimiyet var. Reddit'i Graham abimizden öğrenmiş ve arada bakar idim, ancak bundan sonra daha sık göz atmak gerek.
Sağlıcakla kal Samilzigim...