Monday, April 15, 2013

Installing Junit Offline on Netbeans 7.3

To install JUnit with Netbeans 7.3, you normally need an internet connection during the installation of Netbeans. If that is not the case for you, here is how you do it offline:
  1. Install the JDK and Netbeans 7.3.
  2. Download the files in and put them under <local user>\.m2\repository\junit\junit\3.8.2.
  3. Download the files in and put them under <local user>\.m2\repository\junit\junit\4.10.
  4. Download org-netbeans-libs-junit4.nbm from
  5. Download org-netbeans-modules-junitlib.nbm from
  6. Start Netbeans, go to Tools/Plugins/Downloaded/Add Plugins, select org-netbeans-libs-junit4.nbm and org-netbeans-modules-junitlib.nbm, press install. After about 30 seconds you should see the success message.
Update, April 8th, 2014: To install JUnit with Netbeans 8.0, steps are the same as above. You only have to change the path in steps in 4 and 5 from /updates/7.3 to /updates/8.0


Alan Curley said...

Had problems getting older Swing applications developed in NB6.5.1 running on anything above 7.
Following above, they now work perferctly... Thanks Man.
Just To Clarify is in "C:\Documents and Settings\". That one caught me for a few minutes.

Anonymous said...

I have try it on windows 8 with netbeans 7.4 and is not working.
