Sunday, June 18, 2023

Using chatGPT in my writing

I use chatGPT to improve my writing, especially for German and English texts.

Example 1: A month ago, I got a job offer from an Austrian company. While preparing for the interview, I used GPT to clarify some questions I had about typical German expressions. For example, I asked GPT to translate "could we continue in English" to German and it answered "Könnten wir auf Englisch weitermachen?" as I expected. I thought about using the word "fortfahren" instead of "weitermachen". I asked GPT "what is the difference between fortfahren and weitermachen". It provided a detailed answer but what surprised me was that it also said " your sentence "Könnten wir auf Englisch weitermachen?" the word "weitermachen" is more appropriate because it refers to continuing the conversation in English. If you were to use "fortfahren", it might sound a bit more formal or less natural, though it wouldn't be incorrect." GPT's ability to keep the context in mind is not something you can do with ordinary Google searches.

Example 2: I usually start a post with handwritten notes:

Then I convert my notes into a coherent whole. When I feel like there might be a better way to express an opinion but cannot remember the expression or when I am in doubt about an idiom or grammar I ask GPT:

  • Question: Check for spelling errors: (paste text) Answer: Shows me spelling errors
  • Question: "have enough sleep" or "get enough sleep" Answer: "get enough sleep" is more commonly used and idiomatic
  • Question: May I use "they" for "someone". Answer: Yes, you can use "they" as a gender-neutral pronoun to refer to "someone"
  • Question: check grammar: It is depressing to realize the difficulty of changing our own faulty ideas, let alone changing others. Answer: The grammar in the provided text is correct
  • Question: make better: This increases the chance of meeting someone compatible a lot Answer: "This significantly enhances the likelihood of encountering a compatible individual."
  • Question: Would it be better to use "adult" instead of "equal" here: To avoid being influenced by charming yet superficial rhetoric, don't be flattered by being treated like a princess and instead maintain an expectation of being treated as an equal. Answer: Considering the context of the sentence, where the emphasis is on avoiding superficial treatment and maintaining a balanced dynamic, "equal" seems more appropriate.
  • Question: rate the English level of this text out of 10: (I paste the whole blog post) Answer: The text demonstrates a good command of the English language. Overall, I would rate it as a 9 out of 10.

I can confidently say that chatGPT improves my text from being 7/10 to 9/10. It makes writing much easier and fun, I feel like I am discussing it with a knowledgeable friend.

13.08.2023: DeepL write is also nice.

Music: Nina Hagen - Du hast den Farbfilm Vergessen

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