Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Why to Not Not Start a Startup

Why to Not Not Start a Startup:

"If an adult says "that's a stupid idea," a kid will either crawl away with his tail between his legs, or rebel. But rebelling presumes inferiority as much as submission. The adult response to "that's a stupid idea," is simply to look the other person in the eye and say "Really? Why do you think so?"

"Each person should just do what they need to without anyone telling them... If that sounds like a recipe for chaos, think about a soccer team. Eleven people manage to work together in quite complicated ways, and yet only in occasional emergencies does anyone tell anyone else what to do. A reporter once asked David Beckham if there were any language problems at Real Madrid, since the players were from about eight different countries. He said it was never an issue, because everyone was so good they never had to talk. They all just did the right thing."

1 comment:

Nart Bedin Atalay said...

Each person should just do what they need to without anyone telling them...

Futbola uyuyor ama is/meslek/ev hayatina uyar mi bilemem.

Futbol kurallari ve amaclari kesin belli bir mecra. O nedenle oyunculardan ne beklendigini belirlemek ve bunlari kendilerine ogretmek nispeten kolay.

Bir de su var: birisi bir konuda neyi nasil yapacagini bilmiyorsa sen ne kadar soylersen soyle onu beceremez. bilen adam da kendine soyletiyorsa orada da baska seyler aramak lazim sanirsam.

Bir de bu Paul amca kisa bir sey yazmaz mi sayin dostlar. Bir makalesini bastan sona okuyabilmis degilim.

Samil usulu yapalim sona sevgimiz bir alinti (mp3 degil malesef) ekleyelim:

"Bir yerin halki surulunce once baglar sonra kovanlar bozulur" (Ortayli, Eski Dunya Seyahatnamesi, p.16).

tez yazdim asabiyim ben